These podcasts are written for Project 12.They provide grammar and vocabulary in context for ESL students.
This podcast is about the weirdest Japanese inventions that really exist. Voiced by Oliver Sadler and Justine Roos
Would you like to know your future? How many ways of predicting the future do you know? Listen and learn! Voiced by Larry Tallant
Have you ever had a fight with your neighbours? I am sure at some point in your life you didn't like, for example, noise your neighbours made, or that strange smell from their apartment. Well, here…
Are reporters really reporting? And should we always trust the information we get from the media? Voiced by Kirsten Colquhoun
Being a superhero might look like a lot of fun. But is it really like in films or comic books? Voiced by Larry Tallant
Let's discover the architecture of Barcelona together. Written and voiced by Kirsten Colquhoun